Overeaters Anonymous has been in Poland for 25 years. The first meeting took place in 1990. Today we have over 40 OA groups – each week there are 38 face-to-face meetings held in all parts of the country, as well as 6 online meetings. Needless to say, we are still growing. We publish and distribute OA literature in Polish and twice a year, in spring and in autumn, we hold national conventions. You can find all the information concerning meetings here, including the details of both face-to-face and online meetings. Unfortunately, we do not have any meetings for English speakers yet, but you are more than welcome to attend any of our regular meetings.
Feel free to contact us at info@anonimowijedzenioholicy.org if you have any questions or comments.
I keep my hand in yours, and together we can do what we could never do alone.